viewHtml <- # # Uses the gtkhtml widget to display an HTML document in a scrolled window. # # Currently this handles internal links, i.e. hyper-links between HTML anchors # within this document. # Also handles certain types of embedded objects. # # Example: # viewHtml(system.file("html", "00Index.html", package="base")) # function(fileName = "examples/form.html", createWindow = TRUE) { # Create an HTML widget. Make certain it can handle # embedded objects ( tags). html <- gtkHTMLNew() # class(html) <- gtkObjectGetClasses(html, FALSE) html$AddCallback("object-requested", embeddedObjectHandler) # a list of the previous files visited. history <- character(0) status <- NULL # setBase() is getting the wrong arguments going to the tmpBase <- getwd() Load <- # Loads the contents of a file into the HTML widget. # Function so that we can call it from menu callbacks. function(infile, reload = FALSE) { if(!reload) addToHistory(fileName) if(file.exists(infile)) { html$SetBase(infile) tmpBase <<- dirname(infile) lns <- paste(readLines(infile), collapse="\n") html$LoadFromString(lns, -1) fileName <<- infile } else if(!is.null(status)) { status$Push(statusContext, paste(infile,"doesn't exist")) } TRUE } addToHistory <- # Add the file name to the history list # and add it to the menu function(name) { if(!any(name == history)) { HistoryMenu$Append(item <- gtkMenuItem(name)) item$AddCallback("activate", function(w, cmd) {Load(cmd, FALSE)}, data = name, object = FALSE) } history <<- c(history, name) TRUE } sw <- gtkScrolledWindow(show = FALSE) # Do not use with viewport. Seg-faults in layout allocation size! sw$Add(html) if(!createWindow) { # Now actually load the file Load(fileName, TRUE) return(list(html = html, scrolledWindow = sw)) } # create the window and set its size. win <- gtkWindow(show = FALSE) win$SetUsize(400, 500) # Now create a vertical box and put the menu and the HTML widget (actually # the scrolled window in wich it resides) into it. box <- gtkVBox(FALSE, 4) mbar <- gtkMenuBar() fileMenu <- gtkMenuItem("File") # Create a pull-down menu with a function in command.S # Each of the entries has the same callback function given in the # second argument. m <- createSimpleMenu(c("Load", "Reload", "", "Edit", "", "Close"), function(w, cmd) { if(cmd == "Load") { dlg <- gtkFileSelection("Load html file") dlg[["OkButton"]]$AddCallback("clicked", function(w) { f <- dlg$GetFilename() if(f != "") { Load(f) dlg$Destroy() } }) dlg[["CancelButton"]]$AddCallback("clicked", function(w) dlg$Destroy()) dlg$Show() } else if(cmd == "Reload") { Load(fileName, TRUE) } else if(cmd == "Close") { win$Hide() } }) fileMenu$SetSubmenu(m$menu) mbar$Append(fileMenu) # Create an empty history menu to which we will add the entries # as we load new files and store the previous value historyMenu <- gtkMenuItem("History") HistoryMenu <- gtkMenu() historyMenu$SetSubmenu(HistoryMenu) mbar$Append(historyMenu) # Put the menu bar into the top-level box. box$PackStart(mbar, expand = FALSE) # Now create a row in the box that has a URL label, an entry to type a URL # and a button to process that entry if one doesn't want to use the Enter key. urlBox <- gtkHBox(FALSE, 10) urlBox$PackStart(gtkLabel("URL"), expand = FALSE, fill= FALSE) urlEntry <- gtkEntry() urlBox$PackStart(urlEntry, expand = TRUE) # When the user hits return, load the URL! urlEntry$AddCallback("activate", function(w) { txt <- w$GetText() if(txt != "") { Load(txt) } }) btn <- gtkButton("Go") urlBox$PackStart(btn, expand = FALSE, fill= FALSE) btn$AddCallback("clicked", function(w) { txt <- urlEntry$GetText() if(txt != "") Load(txt) }) box$PackStart(urlBox, expand = FALSE) # Put the scrolled window for the HTML widget next. box$PackStart(sw) # Now create status bar at the bottom of the window # and use this to display URLs that we mouse-over. status <- gtkStatusbar() statusContext <- status$GetContextId("description") box$PackEnd(status, expand= FALSE) # Now actually load the file Load(fileName, TRUE) win$Add(box) win$ShowAll() # Now setup some handlers for the HTML actions. # Callback for user clicking on a link. link <- html$AddCallback("link-clicked", function(w, link) { print(link) if(length(grep("^#", link))) { html$JumpToAnchor(gsub("^#","", link)) } else if(length(grep("^R:", link))) { eval(parse(text = substring(link, 3))) } else { if(file.exists(link)) { Load(link) } else if(file.exists(paste(tmpBase, link, sep=.Platform$file.sep))) Load(paste(tmpBase, link, sep=.Platform$file.sep)) # cat("External Link:",link,"\n") } }) # These are for mouse-over links and we display the locations # in the status bar. link <- html$AddCallback("on-url", function(w, link) { if(link != "") { status$Push(statusContext, link) } NULL }) # Handler for when the user clicks on the form submit submit <- html$AddCallback("submit", function(w, str1, str2, str3) { cmd <- parseFormURL(str3) print(eval(parse(text = cmd["command"]))) }) invisible(list(win = win, html = html, callbackIds = list(link, submit))) } parseFormURL <- # # Take the string reported by an HTML form in the format # name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3....&name-n=value-n # and return a vector of the form # c(name1=value, name2=value2,...) # i.e. a named character vector with the values and indexed # by the corresponding name. # function(url) { # Do the first level split at the &'s in the string. cmd <- strsplit(url,"&")[[1]] # Now split by the = cmd <- strsplit(cmd,"=") # Get the names and then the values in two separate steps. # name <- sapply(cmd, function(x) x[[1]]) cmd <- sapply(cmd, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[[2]] else "") names(cmd) <- name cmd } htmlOutputFilter <- # # An ``object'' that provides methods for generating # HTML for an S session, giving a representation of # a task (expression and result). # function() { # Counter for the number of commands that have been displayed. ctr <- 0 markup <- # # Create a textual representation of the given # command (`cmd') and result (`value'). # function(cmd, value) { ctr <<- ctr + 1 # Using a text connection is convenient, but # having the result be stored in a global variable # is one of the worst "design" decisions I have seen! # In the future, this will be fixed. con <- textConnection(".out", open="w") sink(con) on.exit({sink(); close(con)}) print(value) # print the value to the text connection so we # we can get the resulting text next. out <- get(".out") val <- c("
", ctr, "", paste("", sep=""), cmd, "
\n", "
\n") val } header <- # Called when starting the session function() { "


" } footer <- # Called each time we append an entry and should provide # the closing element to finish off the document. # This should provide the corresponding end elements for those # in the header. function() { "
" } # Return the filter methods as a list # and give it a particular class for identification purposes. m <- list(header = header, markup = markup, footer = footer, getCurrentAnchor = function() as.character(ctr)) class(m) <- "HTMLCommandOutputFilter" m } localOutput <- # # Simple interface with 2 HTML widgets stacked on top of each other # The file displayed in the first is expected to present the interface # via form so that when it is submitted there is an "command" variable # in the data. This is parsed and evaluated and the result # is displayed in the lower HTML widget. We markup the output # using the `filter' which can do what it wants. In the default # case, this makes the expression a link which if clicked re-runs # that command. Also, it puts the result in a
  # and generates the content as if it were printed by R.
function(fileName = "examples/form.html", filter = htmlOutputFilter())
   # Create a basic HTML widget without the window
 w <- viewHtml(fileName, createWindow = FALSE)

 html <- w$html

  # Now create the window
 win <- gtkWindow(show = FALSE)

  # Create a split pane that the user can adjust directly
  # The top contains the HTML document with the form, and
  # the bottom one shows the output from the commands.
 pane <- gtkVPaned()

  # The output HTML widget for the commands.
 output <- gtkHTMLNew()
   # Will be done when the bindings are done.
# class(output) <- gtkObjectGetClasses(output, FALSE)

 sw <- gtkScrolledWindow()

  # Get the header for the output page.
 txt <- filter$header()

  # When the user clicks on the submit button in form in the top HTML widget,
  # process the settings and evaluate the `command' value.
 submit <- html$AddCallback("submit",
                            function(w, str1, str2, str3) {
                              cmd <- parseFormURL(str3)
                              evalCommand(cmd["command"], show = as.logical(cmd["show"]))

   # Arrange to re-evaluate the command when the user clicks on it
   # in the output area.
                     function(w, link) {
                       evalCommand(link, show = TRUE)

 evalCommand <-
     # Evaluate a command, put the command and result
     # in the output window by transforming the {expression, value}
     # pair through the filter.
   function(cmd, show = TRUE) {
      val <- eval(parse(text = cmd))


        # Now display the result, marking it up as we want.
      txt <<- c(txt, filter$markup(cmd, val))
      contents <- paste(txt, filter$footer(), collapse="\n", sep="")

      output$LoadFromString(contents, nchar(contents))
       # And scroll to this new entry.


 return(list(win = win, output = output, html = html))

embeddedObjectHandler <-
  # called when an HTML widget needs to act on an
  #  tag for an embedded object.
  # This returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether it understood
  # and processed the request or not.
  # We can have built-in types or just evaluate the script
  # in the init parameter
function(html, obj)
     type <- obj[["Type"]]

     if(type == "app/x-color") {
         # Create a color selection dialog.
     } else if(type == "app/x-button") {
        # Create a button and a simple callback.
       label <- obj$GetParameter("label")
       if(label == "")
         label <- "Embedded Widget"
       btn <- gtkButton(label)
       btn$AddCallback("clicked", function(w) {print("Callback from embedded widget")})
     } else if(type == "app/x-slider") {
        # Create a slider, using values from the parameters for the min, max and value
        # if provided.
       mn <- obj$GetParameter("min")
       mn <- ifelse(mn != "", as.numeric(mn), 0)
       mx <- obj$GetParameter("max")
       mx <- ifelse(mn != "", as.numeric(mx), 0)
       val <- obj$GetParameter("value")
       val <- ifelse(val != "", as.numeric(val), mn)              

       adj <- gtkAdjustment(val, mn, mx, .1, 1, 1)
       scale <- gtkHScale(adj)
     } else if(type == "app/x-R-device") {
       dev <- gtk(no.window = TRUE);
       class(dev) <- gtkObjectGetClasses(dev, check=FALSE)
       box <- gtkHBox(TRUE,10)
     } else {
        # Check if there is an init paramter and if so,
        # attempt to evaluate it as an S command/expression.
       init <- obj$GetParameter("init")       
       if(init != "") {
         val <-  eval(parse(text = init))
          # If the result is a GtkWidget, then add it to the
          # embedded widget container.
         add <- as.logical(obj$GetParameter("addWidget"))
         if(inherits(val, "GtkWidget") && ( || add == TRUE)) {
         } else if(is.function(val)) {
           val(html, obj)
       } else {
           # say that we did't handle this.
