The Omegahat RSPython package for R & SPlus

Function Help Pages

Documentation for package `'

Help Pages

$.PythonReference Syntactic convenience for calling a Python references's method
.Python Invoke a Python function or instance method
.PythonEval Evaluate a Python script from a string or file.
.PythonEvalFile Evaluate a Python script from a string or file.
.PythonInit Initialize the Python interpreter.
.PythonMethod Invoke a Python function or instance method
.PythonNew Create an instance of a Python class
.PythonPath Create Python Load Path
.PythonTerminate Initialize the Python interpreter.
foreignReference Creates a reference for an S object
getNumPythonConverters Query the currently registered object converters between R and Python.
getPythonConverterDescriptions Query the currently registered object converters between R and Python.
getPythonHandler Get or set the R to Python foreign reference handler.
getPythonReferenceIDs Python Foreign Reference Information
getSuperClasses Information about Python classes and methods
importPythonModule Loads a Python Module
isPythonInitialized Is Python Interpreter Initialized
pythonFunction Python Method Information
pythonMethods Information about Python classes and methods
pythonModuleNames Information about Python classes and methods
pythonModuleTypes Python Module Elements and Types
referenceManager Create instance of the standard Reference Manager
removePythonConverter Query the currently registered object converters between R and Python.
setPythonHandler Get or set the R to Python foreign reference handler.
[[.PythonReference Get an element in a Python object