Version 0.93-0 (not yet released) * Added [ methods for COMList and COMTypedNamedList and [[ for the latter to handle negative subscripting, preserving names, indexing via a name. Version 0.92-0 * Introduced a CompiledCOMCoClass for CoClass types generated by SWinTypeLibs * Made methods for [[ in a COMList more specific. * Find "compiled" methods list for a CompiledCOMIDispatch object from class definition, i.e. in the package's environment/namespace or global environment. Version 0.91-1 * Just repackaging. Version 0.91-0 * [[ for CompiledCOMIDispatch objects returns the value of the property or if the name identifies a method which has no required arguments, it invokes that. e.g. doc[["Range"]] * Support for in-lining/composite assignments of the form doc$Range$Text = "Some text" for the CompiledCOMIDispatch class. * Added .suppliedArgs to .COM. This allows "compiled"/generated code to identify which of the ... arguments should be processed and which are non-specified default values. * getCLSID() returns the UUID corresponding to a human-readable application name, e.g. getCLSID("Excel.Application") * getCOMInstace() allows one to fetch a reference to an existing COM object, i.e. one that may already have been opened independently of R. This uses the native GetActiveObject() routine and requires that the caller provide the GUID for the COM class of interest. It can be called with the human-readable application name (e.g. "Excel.Application") or the UUID for the application. Version 0.9-1 * Explicit exporting of elements of NAMESPACE. Version 0.9-0 * Added COMStop function and COMError condition class. * Added COMList class and methods. Version 0.8-1 * Rebuild binary for R-1.8.0 to support new class representation. * Turn off verbose output to terminal. Version 0.8-0 * Moved event material from RDCOMClient and RDCOMServer into a new package named RDCOMEvents along with some ActiveX control support. Version 0.7-6 * findConnectionPoint() * Checks for IConnectionPoint argument in Advise/Unadvise Version 0.7-5 * Fixed missing UNPROTECT() in converting COM arrays to R. Version 0.7-4 * Garbage collection bug fixed that stopped servers terminating when they were no longer needed. Version 0.7-3 * Handle converting COMDate, COMCurrency and COMDecimal to VARIANT, i.e. from R to COM. * Fixed Rd page about origin of date. Version 0.7-0 * Error messages are retrieved when possible to provide detailed information from the server. If this is not available, then the standard error messages from the return status value is used. * The [[ operator for COMIDispatch objects now defined for numeric indices and interpreted by assuming the COM object has an Item() method. * Creating a COM reference object calls the S function createCOMReference() which can do anything it wants, including looking up or dynamically generating type information and creating S clases and methods for "binding" to the object's methods and properties. Version 0.6-2 * Reference counting corrections. * Debugging additions that can be activated at compilation time. See DEFINES in Makefile in the distribution. Version 0.6-0 * Added .ids to .COM() function which can be used if one has previously resolved the name-id mapping, e.g. using the SWinTypeLibs package. * Added facility to create a COM array from an S matrix which can be used directly to convert an S object to a variant. Version 0.5-1 * Fix the serialization of the COM objects to avoid the memory fault. Version 0.5-1 * Fix handling of COMIDispatch argument values. (Testing for NULL preceeded this.) Version 0.5-0 * Converters for DCOM arrays to R vectors (shared with the RDCOMServer code) Version 0.4-0 * Support for named arguments * Support for MinGW compiler (Makefile.gcc)