Using the RDCOMServer package
This document provides a brief introduction to using the
RDCOMServer package to define and export COM
classes entirely within the S language. It illustrates how one can
define servers in different ways and make them available to clients in
different languages. It also illustrates how to customize the way the
COM mechanism works and how to provide alternative method invocation
At its simplest, a COM object in R is a named collection of functions.
Clients identify the objects methods using the names in the S list. In
R, we can use lexical scoping and closures to allow some or all of
these functions to share mutable state, i.e. variables that change
across calls and are accessible to the different functions. In this
case, we typically create the list of functions for each new object in
order to get a different environment that is independent of other
objects. But again, we are dealing simply with a list of functions.
In addition to the functions or methods, a COM object can also have
properties that it makes accessible to clients. At its simplest, the
properties need only be named. And if we are using lexical scoping,
they are naturally stored in the environment shared by the functions.
There are a variety of other ways to define an S-COM class and arrange
instances of such definitions. However, the simplest approach
is to use closures and specify properties by name. This involves
defining a constructor function associated with the S-COM class. This
is used to create the list of functions that act as methods. We also
specify the names of the properties whose values can be found in the
environment of these functions. Next we specify a name for the S-COM
class. And if we are being well-behaved, we specify a collection of
strings providing a short description for each of the methods.
Let's take a look at a simple example. We will define a COM class to
describe a Normal distribution. It has two properties: its mean and
standard deviation. And it provides methods for generating a sample of
n values, and computing quantiles, percentiles and density values.
These functions share the mean and standard deviation values across
calls. We can define a generator function (g) that
provides these and the properties mu and
g <- function(mu = 0, sigma = 1)
sample <- function(n) {
rnorm(as.integer(n), mu, sigma)
percentile <- function(q, lower = TRUE) {
pnorm(as.numeric(q), mu, sigma, lower.tail = as.logical(lower))
quantile <- function(p) {
qnorm(as.numeric(p), mu, sigma)
density <- function(x) {
dnorm(as.numeric(x), mu, sigma)
list(sample = sample,
percentile = percentile,
quantile = quantile,
density = density,
.properties = c("mu", "sigma"),
.help = c(sample = "generate a sample of values",
percentile = "CDF values from this distribution",
quantile = "quantile values from this distribution",
density = "values of the density function for this distribution"
Now, whenever we need a new instance of this Normal distribution, we
can invoke this generator function. Note that we return the functions
in a named list. These functions are simple wrappers to the regular
normal distribution functions in S, and they perform appropriate
simplifications, accessing the parameters and error checking.
These just provide a context for these existing functions.
In addition to the functions, we also specify the names of the
properties and the help in this list to round out our definition.
At this point, we have almost enough information to use this as part
of an S-COM class. All that remains is to make this visible to client
applications. We need to give the class a unique identifier (a UUID)
and also a regular name that the client can use.
Then we need to put the S code somewhere so that
when it is needed COM and R can create a suitable object.
The steps involve in ``publishing'' this definition
- create an appropriate type of SCOMClass obect
to represent the definition, e.g. SCOMIDispatch;
- store the definition as an S object so that it can be used
when R is started;
- add an entry to the Windows registry to expose
the class identifier (UUID) and associate it with a DLL or EXE.
These steps are achieved in S with the following commands. We create
the definition combining the generator function and the name
S.Normal) using the function
SCOMIDispatch. This creates an object of class
SCOMIDispatch that describes the class definition.
It also generates the UUID for the class identifier. And next, we use
registerCOMClass to store the definition in an S list
that can be found when R starts up, and also add the necessary
information to the Windows registry.
def = SCOMIDispatch(g,
"S.Normal") registerCOMClass(def) |
This uses the
SWinRegistry package to
access the Windows registry from R. The UUIDs are generated using the
Ruuid package.
By default, registerCOMClass stores the S definition
of the COM class in a named list indexed by UUIDs. It then serializes
this list to a file so that it is available to future R sessions when
the class definition is needed. By default, we keep this list of S
COM class definitions in a file named <file>RCOMClasses.rda</file> in
the directory in which RDCOMServer is
installed. You can specify the location of the file when registering
the class via the rda argument. However, you must also
instruct R to find that file in future sessions.
Instead of using a centralized list to store the S COM class definitions,
we can store each class definition separately and add information
to the Windows registry entry for the class telling R where to find this
definition. When GetCOMClassDef is
called to resolve the class definition for the UUID,
it looks for an entry named "rda" in the registry entry for the UUID.
If it exists, this should give the name of the rda file which contains
the serialized class definition.
This is probably a more flexible approach to management but it
requires more action on the creator of the class.
In addition to looking for the "rda" entry,
GetCOMClassDef also looks for an entry named
"profile". If that exists, it is assumed to be the name of an S source
code file and it is read via source. This provides a
way to execute code each time an object from a particular COM class is
When a client asks for an instance of an S-COM object e.g. in Perl
Win32::OLE->new(), COM queries the class identifier in the
Windows registry and loads the associated RDCOMServer.dll (or EXE).
Then it asks the DLL for a factory for the specified class ID. In our
case, we create an instance of the basic
RCOMFactory by first
resolving the class ID within the list of the registered S-COM
classes. Then the COM mechanism within the client asks the factory to
create an instance of the given class (using the
CreateInstance method). This ends up with a call to
createCOMObject with the S-COM class definition as the
only argument. There are different methods for this generic function,
but they are all expected to do the same general thing: create a C++
object that represents the S-COM object and knows how to lookup names
and invoke methods and access properties.
There are a variety of ways to handle these definitions and create
associated C++ objects. Basically, there are several degrees of
freedom. We can put the computations in C++ or in S or as some
hybrid. For better understanding and easier experimentation, we
implement the methods for looking up names, invoking methods and
accessing properties in S functions. Good design of C++ classes
allows us to implement this flexibly and easily move between different
implementations and the different languages. And as efficiency
becomes more important, we can move towards C++ implementations.
In the case of a
SCOMIDispatch, the
createCOMObject performs the following steps.
- call the generator function in the class definition
to create the instance of the S object. This creates the
relevant list of functions which are used as the methods.
The environment of the first function in the list will be used to
find properties.
- The list of methods, etc. returned by the generator
is passed as an argument in a call to COMSIDispatchObject.
This is another generator function that provides two methods,
one for processing COM invocations and property access,
and a second for mapping names to integer ids.
These methods correspond to the IDispatch methods
Invoke and GetIDsOfNames.
- These two functions returned from the call to COMSIDispatchObject
are passed to a C++ level constructor for the RCOMSObject class.
When COM requests are processed by this object, the methods in this object pass
their arguments to the corresponding functions. These are responsible for
If one wants to explore different ways to handle the invocations, one
can define a new method for
createCOMObject. For
example, suppose we want to export top-level functions simply by
name. Rather than fetching the functions when the object is defined,
we want client calls to find the
definition of the function. In this context, we have no need for
lexical scoping to maintain state across calls. To define the COM
class, all we need is the names of the functions and the names of the
properties corresponding to top-level variables. For good measure, we
will also allow the developer to supply a list of named-values which
are to be treated as properties. For simplicity, when we create an
instance of this object, we will make these available to the functions
being evaluated by evaluating the call in an environment which
contains these.
So we define a new S class to represent this
type of COM definition:
# can be named character vector to provide aliases for COM view.
# e.g. functions=c(normal="rnorm", ...)
Next, we create a constructor function for this class.
SCOMNamedFunctionClass =
function(functions, name, ..., propertyNames = character(0),
help = "", def = new("SCOMNamedFunctionClass"))
def = .initSCOMClass(def, name = name, help = help)
def@functions = functions
if(length(names(def@functions)) == 0)
names(def@functions) = def@functions
which = names(def@functions) == ""
names(def@functions)[which] = def@functions[which]
def@propertyNames = propertyNames
def@properties = list(...)
So if a programmer wants to, for example, expose the functions
hist and
she would create a definition for the COM class as
def = SCOMNamedFunctionClass(c("rnorm", "hist", "boxplot"), name = "UnivariateNormalSampler")
and simply register it
In this case, the names of the functions might be a little peculiar
to non-S users. Instead, we can make them accessible as different method names
simply by providing the desired names in the character vector.
def = SCOMNamedFunctionClass(c(normal = "rnorm",
historgram = "hist",
boxplot = "boxplot"), name = "UnivariateNormalSampler")
At this point, the COM definition is accessible to clients. They can
create an instance of the object, but we still have to define how we
will create a C++-level object to handle this object and its methods.
We do this by providing appropriate methods for the invoke and
getIDsOfNames methods at the S level. We define
a method for createCOMObject for the
SCOMNamedFunctionClass and have it create a
suitable C++ object that will dispatch the COM methods correctly. To
do this, we can mimic the COMSIDispatchObject
function in the RDCOMServer package. We pass it
the names of the functions and properties
and the list of property values.
These are the methods and values to expose.
This handler must do two things:
lookup names and map them to integers
handle property access and method invocation
We create two functions to do this that have access to the functions
and properties from the COM class definition. We can then pass these
two S functions to the C routine
to create the C++-level class that handles the dispatching by handing
off to these two functions. While this all seems rather indirect, it
is actually quite simple in practice. If we were using the OOP
package, it would amount only to extending the invoke method in a
trivial way. It is made more complicated because we are talking about
closures, etc. in ad hoc ways.
Let's consider the two functions. The first one has to map names of
functions, properties and function parameters (argument names) to
integers in an invariant way. The names of the methods and properties
are given and fixed. The only issue we have to concern ourselves with
is the parameter names. We do this by
We have two choices for this.
compute the names of all the arguments based on their current
definitions, or
dynamically manage the collection of requested names
based on the clients.
The first of these we can do with the function
computeCOMNames. The second approach requires that
we use a closure to manage a named vector of integers that provides
the map between the names and their integer values. We provide a
single function --
lookup -- to access this map. If
given names, it lookups them up and returns the associate integers.
If any name is not in the map, the function first adds these to the
map. Alternatively, if the function is given integers, it returns the
associated names. And finally, for convenience, if the function is
called with no arguments, it returns the current value of the map, a
named integer vector.
The definition of this map management function
is given below.
COMNameManager <-
function(map = integer(0))
if(length(map) && !(is.numeric(map) && !is.null(names(map)))) {
tmp <- 1:length(map)
names(tmp) <- as.character(map)
map <- tmp
lookup <-
function(name) {
if(is.numeric(name)) {
idx <- match(name, names(map))
if(any( {
n <- name[]
orig <- length(map) + 1
tmp <- seq(from = orig, length = length(n))
names(tmp) <- n
map <<- c(map, tmp)
idx[] <- seq(orig, length = length(n))
This generator returns the
lookup function.
Note that one can specify an initial value for
the map, either as map or a vector of names.
SCOMNamedFunctionDispatch =
# Generator for handling IDispatch at the S level.
function(funs, properties, propertyNames, nameMgr = COMNameManager())
isProperty = function(name) {
name %in% c(names(properties), propertyNames)
setProperty = function(name, val) {
if(name %in% names(properties))
properties[[name]] <<- val
else if(name %in% propertyNames)
assign(name, val, envir = globalenv())
getProperty = function(name) {
if(name %in% names(properties))
else if(name %in% propertyNames)
get(name, envir = globalenv())
invoke =
function(id, method, args, namedArgs) {
if(length(namedArgs)) {
names(args)[1:length(namedArgs)] = nameMgr(namedArgs)
args = rev(args)
methodName = nameMgr(id)
if(!(methodName %in% names(funs)) && any(method[-1])) {
stop(methodName, " is not a property")
if(method[2]) {
} else {
setProperty(methodName, args[[1]])
} else {
return(COMError("DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND", className = c("COMReturnValue", "COMError")))
eval([methodName], args), envir = globalenv())
list(Invoke= invoke, GetNamesOfIDs = nameMgr)
And finally, we define a method for this type of definition for
setMethod("createCOMObject", "SCOMNamedFunctionClass",
function(def) {
obj = SCOMNamedFunctionDispatch(def@functions, def@properties, def@propertyNames)
.Call("R_RCOMSObject", obj)
We have shown one mechanism for controlling the way dispatch and name
lookup is done. It should be clear that S programmers can define
additional mechanisms entirely within S. The simplest mechanism is to
use the
COMSIDispatchObject, but even that is a
choice. Essentially, one must create a C++ object that is derived from
RCOMObject in the particular method of the
Another example of where this
flexibility is important is if we want to keep track of what methods
are being called for performance, surveillance, security or error detection
purposes. For example, we might want to write an entry in a log file
about which methods and properties were accessed. It is inconvenient
to modify each of the methods to add code to log this information. It
is also not possible to explicitly intercept property access unless we
take over the invocation mechanism. So the simplest, non-intrusive
approach is to provide an alternative dispatch mechanism. We do this
by using a different function to provide the lookup and invocation
mechanism. The invoke method would perform the logging. It would
merely open a log file when the object is created, write an entry in
the log file for each call to
invoke and close the
file when the object is ultimately released. We should note that we
really want to extend the
invoke method of the
COMSIDispatchObject "class". Note that if were using
the OOP class mechanism, we could do this more naturally via
Some readers may recognize that there is apparently no way for us to
automatically perform clean up on the COM object at the S-level,
e.g. to close the file when the object is no longer in use. In fact,
there is. If the list of functions passed to
COMSIDispatchObject has length 3, then the third
entry is used as a destructor function which is called when the
C++-level COM server object is no longer needed. This is called with
no arguments. This function can be used to perform any cleanup actions
such as removing data, closing files, etc. The information it needs
should be available to it from its own environment.
We have provided a dispatch mechanism for a simple list of functions,
a list of related functions that share environments and, in this
document, a handler for named functions.
The choice of the
SCOMIDispatch to represent the class
definition will be typical. However, there are other choices and the
choice determines how methods and properties are processed.
Essentially, the class used to represent the definition controls how
the COM instances are generated from this class. When a client asks
for a new S COM object, the S mechanism finds the definition and then
createCOMObject. This is a generic function and we
have methods for different
SCOMClass objects. What these
methods for
createCOMObject do is to create the
appropriate C++-level object that handles the invocation of methods
and property access. And these different classes process the S-COM
class definition differently. In the case of the
SCOMIDispatch class, the
createCOMObject calls
the generator function to create the instance of the S object. Then
it calls another generator function which is used to manage the lookup
of names and dispatch of methods and finally
When invoking a COM method or returning a COM property results in an
object that is not a basic S primitive (e.g. integer, numeric,
character or logical vector), the S-COM mechanism has to determine how
to represent the S object to COM. It does this by calling the
createCOMObject function with the S object as the
argument. This generic function calls the appropriate method for this
object. If there is a registered method, that is called. Otherwise,
the default method creates a generic S-COM object. This makes the
elements in the S list and its attributes available as properties. It
also allows the client to invoke arbitrary S top-level functions
with the S object as the first argument.
S Matrix class as a COM object
We have defined a method for
createCOMObject to
handle matrix objects. The function
is used within the method to create a closure that
provides COM methods for accessing the matrix.
The COM methods include
- values
- retrieve all the values as an array.
- dim
an array of length 2 giving the dimensions
of the S matrix.
- column
- returns the values in a particular column
as a COM array.
- row
- returns the values in a particular row
as a COM array.
- element
- returns an individual entry in the
- nrow
- returns the number of rows in the matrix.
- ncol
- returns the number of columns in the matrix.
- rownames
- returns an array of strings giving the
names of the records/rows or the
NULL value.
- colnames
- returns an array of strings giving the
names of the variables/columns or the
NULL value.