RGraphicsDevice_0.5-0.tar.gz (02 August 2011)
This package provides a framework for implementing R graphics devices
with R functions rather than C code. It is intended to be used for
prototyping new graphics devices and for facilitating those who aren't
familiar with C to write R graphics devices.
We can use this to avoid tiresome details when exploring
new devices and media.
The package comes with an incomplete prototye of a device that
writes JavaScript code to render the R graphics on a JavaScript
canvas. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Drawing_shapes
We plan to use this to implement a Flash/Flex3 graphics device which will
generate R graphics content that can be rendered as Flash.
The source for the package is RGraphicsDevice_0.5-0.tar.gz.
You also need the RAutoGenRunTime
package which provides class definitions on which the generated code
- A Guide to Implementing a New Device
- And a PDF version here
- JavaScript graphics device
prototype and some examples of using it.
- Simple SVG graphics device
prototype and some examples of using it.
- Notes on the design
- And also the code used to generate the code
- Todo list
The Code
The code for this package consists of C and R code.
98% of the C code and 70% of the R code was programmatically
generated using the RGCCTranslationUnit package.
The R code to generate (most of) the code in this package is
available here.
There is a description of the process for generating the
code here.
Duncan Temple Lang
Last modified: Tue Oct 13 16:28:47 PDT 2009