Recent release: RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz
Currently, this interfaces allowsIt boasts a very rich and general, yet easy to use mechanism for transferring objects from R to Python and vice versa. It uses the concept of a foreign reference or a pointer to avoid transferring data and performing conversions that don't make sense. Additionally, it allows users of each language to register functions written in that language to perform the conversion of objects in the other language. See Conversion Examples for more information. (The code for using R functions to perform the conversion will be in the next release.)
Additionally it provides reflectance information to allow users to discover information about the modules/packages, functions and methods offered by the other system. This allows one to automate certain tasks and make the computations appear to be local. This also allows for substituting different implementations of that functionality, including using other inter-system interfaces such as Java, Perl, CORBA, etc.
The following are some very early efforts to provide documentation for aspects of the package. ( In general, the author of the package will not write documentation as clearly as the users. Please note that these are not intended to be the final version. Any help in writing the documents, providing examples, etc. would be very much appreciated.)
R CMD INSTALL -c RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz
directory. This was compiled using
NOTE: this currently does not allow one to embedd R within Python on Windows.