Installation uses '-enable-R-only' as default so does not try
to build the stand-alone Sxsltproc. To build that, use
R CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--enable-R-only=no' Sxslt
Allow XSL content to be given as a string rather than a file name.
This allows one to work with dynamically constructed XSL files.
getXSLVariables() function for accessing the values of param
and variable elements in XSL.
Additional built-in/pre-registered functions: nullEval() (to
ignore result) and evalWithOutput() which returns the value
from calling capture.output() when evaluating the R command.
Improved support for returning XML nodes from R functions which
are inserted into the result document or left as elements of a
node set.
r:eval() function in XSL now evaluates the expression in the
global environment (globalenv()) which should simplify finding
variables assigned in one call and referenced in another.
Functions that are of class XSLTContextFunction are passed a
reference to the xmlXPathParserContext as the first argument.
The default is not to make this available, but it can be used
within R to access and manipulate the XSLT process and contents
of the tree. Use the function xsltContextFunction() to
make convert a regular function to one of this type.
Added mechanisms for returning XML nodes. We can return a
XMLInternalDocument (via xmlTree()$value()), or an
XMLInternalNode (e.g. xmlRoot(xmlTree()$value()) or creating
the nodes directly) and node set (xmlXPathNodeSet instance).
[ method for XPathNodeSet is now gone and [[ is to be used.